Why We Should Not Buy Fake Designer Handbags
The Truth of The Matter
The truth of the matter regarding fake designer handbags is that purchasing these can actually put your favorite designer out of business. Similarly to CDs and DVDs, fake designer handbags' revenues do not go to the original designer, which means that your original designer or fashion house will not receive any credit or money for your purchase. Since the makers of the fake designer handbags receive the money, they can eventually run the original fashion house out of business. Compared to the manufacturers of the authentic designer handbags, the makers of the fake ones do not care about the durability and standard of their products. Basically, these pirates just wish to make a quick buck from the designs which they have stolen from the original product.
Another thing that you need to remember with fake designer handbags is that these do not have the guarantee that comes with the original products, nor do they have the same meticulous care that their original products' inspectors have as a sign of their dedication to their service and their product. Fake designer handbags tend to be made from inferior materials and also shoddy workmanship. You can not expect to find great workmanship nor great attention to detail for fake designer handbags compared to the original ones.
Authentic designer handbags are meticulously crafted and packed with care from the factory; whereas, the fake bags are mass produced with no regard for quality and standard. There are some exceptions to the lack of quality and standard for fake bags but these products will still be expensive and have similar cost with the original products.
The important thing to remember with fake designer handbags is that these are really nt the real things and that you may be cheating yourself as well as the makers of the real bags from a sale which is supposed to be theirs.
Derek Elley,
Fashion design,
Jonas Brothers,
Mass production,
Project Runway
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