Watching Out For A Designer Knockoff Handbag
The craftsmanship of the bag you wish to purchase can be a sure sign whether it is a designer knockoff handbag or an authentic one. Authentic designer bags almost always have impeccable craftsmanship. The quality of work that goes into the authentic product is not the same as the quality of work that goes into a designer knockoff handbag. The manufacturers of the fake handbags are not as meticulous regarding the way that their employers do the stitching of the product and they do not mind having a misplaced stitch or a missed stitch.
Other things that can be contributed to the lack of craftsmanship in a designer knockoff handbag are the way that the tags are made. Tags from designer knockoff handbags are not as well written as those from the authentic ones and nor do they contain the right information such as correct spelling and the correct serial numbers. Some real designer handbags have implemented designs onto their tags that will make copying them more difficult. Holograms and watermarks are just some of the few things that manufacturers of brand name handbags have resorted to in order to protect their name and their products.
Designs And Colors
Some of the designer knockoff handbags have different colors and slight differences in designs from the original product. Some manufacturers of the fake bags have no access to the quality colors, dyes and materials to make the authentic bags. The manufacturers then use low quality materials and dyes to come close to colors that the originals are made into. Other manufacturers of the designer knockoff handbag have a difficult time achieving the right design due to financial constraints so they make a short cut thus making the product cheaper but not as accurate.
Make sure that you are aware of the design and peculiarities of the handbags that you wish to buy in order to steer clear from purchasing a designer knockoff handbag.
Mondo Design,
Serial number
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