What Are Designer Inspired Handbags?
Similar But Different
Designer inspired handbags are, technically, handbags with designs that look similar to original design with a twist. The twist in the design which may set the original from the inspired design apart may not be immediately obvious to the beholder. Although, these may not technically be called fake designer handbags, they are borrowed designs which can misrepresent the original ones. The colors, hues and small details can set apart the original design from the designer inspired handbags. The designer inspired handbags are so named because the original designs inspire other designers to borrow and alter the design a little or a lot.
Lower Cost Of Designer Inspired Handbags
One can expect designer inspired handbags to cost less than the ones from which their designs are lifted from. The reason for this is because it is usually the cheaper manufacturers or brand names that copy designs and alter them to suit their products. Although, these may cost lower than original designer handbags, you can expect the designer inspired handbags to still make a slight dent with your savings because many more generic brands with a popular brand name may emulate the designs. These handbags will then cost lesser than the original ones but may still cost more than the knockoffs that are hawked in the streets.
Although the term designer inspired handbags may have different connotations for different people, the fact remains that these handbags got their inspiration for their designs from other designer. Borrowing intellectual property may be difficult to prove since you can not guarantee that people will not think the same, especially designers who may be inspired by similar things. This is the reason why the government has a difficult time pinning down pirates who steal ideas from other people's presentations.
Generic brand,
Mondo Design,
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