How to Spot a Fake Handbag

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With the variety of handbags available in the market, it is really a difficult task to distinguish the right quality of product is being offered to you and the handbags you have selected is one of the genuine one and not fake. Many times a number of retailers are caught selling fake handbags and sometimes attract penalty and fines and most of the times banned from selling of the brand.

If you have a plan to purchase a handbag, and want to know how to spot a fake handbag, you should first see the quality of the handbag very carefully. The material quality is one of the primary importances and a fake supplier or manufacturer will always use secondary material for manufacturing the handbag. It is therefore will give you an idea about fakeness of the product. Now a days even fake handbags are available in good leather quality, however these can easily be distinguished from the original handbags.

Stitching and finishing quality is also poor in fake handbags and you can easily distinguish this parameter from the standard handbags. You must look for stitching inside the bag or inside the pockets and you can easily look for any fault, if it is a fake handbag. These stitching differences may not be visible from outside and should therefore be carefully looked for. In addition to the stitching, you should also look for labels on the handbags. It is the label only, where you can identify the difference as well as spelling mistakes, logo change or logo design misspell. The label should be carefully studied and the position of the logo should also be checked. In fake handbags, these label quality is made poor and the attachment of the labels to the handbag also show poor in stitching.

Original branded handbags comes with attractive packing and the fake manufacturer or suppliers are not able to match these packaging attractive and therefore can easily be identified as fake handbags. With all these simple steps keeping in mind we can take a decision about the fakeness of the handbags and can save a lot of money.

For more info on Spotting Fake Handbags..and Where and How to buy the originals visit us at =>

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